Yin Yoga: Friday, 2PM, 55 Minutes

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Yin Yoga: Friday, 2PM, 55 Minutes


Friday • 2 PM • 55 Minutes • Zoom


Yin Yoga is unique in that it targets the connective tissue in the body as opposed to muscles. In order to bring nourishment and vitality into these often stiff and restricted areas, poses are held for long periods of time (1-5 minutes in this class). Most postures will be done lying down (on your front, side and back) or seated. It is beneficial to support the postures with props when available. While you journey into your body, I will guide you through a meditation on presence, awareness and mindfulness. Set your intention and discover the beauty of each moment as it comes, a deeper understanding of your body, and a more integrated sense of self. 

If you prefer to pay via check please contact jen@wellbeingbasics.com for mailing information. Venmo is also available to @jennifer-micoleau.

Classes are taught via Zoom. Download the app for free to your preferred device. You will receive an email with the Zoom link on the morning of the class as well a list of suggested props.
