Your life is a work of art. Every moment is a moment of creation, and each moment of creation contains infinite possibilities.
- Shakti Gawain
Your life is a work of art. Every moment is a moment of creation, and each moment of creation contains infinite possibilities.
- Shakti Gawain
Bring awareness to the little toe mound side of the foot. Mine has difficulty finding a connection to the earth. When I use it I find:
greater strength up the outer line of the leg all the way up to the hip
better alignment of the knee
release of the hip flexor
better hamstring connection
When I find the little toe mound I realize how much I am:
collapsing the inner knee and pulling thigh into internal rotation
flattening the outer ankle
torquing the knee instead of opening the hip
Pigeon prep pose
Apply firm pressure to entire outer edge of front foot. Spider grip hands in widened stance outside edges of the mat. Baby push ups keeping the chest open help to find juicy release in hips. Femur bone is pulled to the back of the pelvis creating space at front of the pelvis.
Baddha Konasana
Press bottom edges of feet together
Ardha Padmasana
Curl forward until belly hollows and hip flexors release. Hands to floor and lift hips on exhale. Hold up to 10 breaths.
Standing poses
Press into little toe mound while pulling outer hip back and under
Impregnated by a nagging for knowledge, a longing. It builds, grows, develops form and function, becomes more complex in its DNA. It begins to feel complete. The birth: exciting, painful, cathartic, joyous. Yet only to discover it has changed. In the process of being born, it became something else. And now I begin again on the path of discovery.
I am struck by geometry and the grid shapes are arranged into, especially in architecture. Looking at aerial views of city blocks based on a grid pattern, I wonder, if we are organized into a grid physically, how does this affect us mentally? Buildings are a collection of separate pieces fit together neatly into a large rectangle (double squares), which create a harmony and balance inside the composition. Does this repetitive vision create harmony and balance in the mind? Are we, like the grids we create, individual expressions of a larger whole, a divine being, unique but still one?
What about a square? When creating letters, proportions are set within and against the edges of a square. This is typography: the arrangement and design of type. This is graphic design.
“Typography involves complex visual relationships of scale and space…Typography [is] an exact art of measurement and proportion…”